Working Capital Formula + Calculation Example

The amount of working capital a company has will typically depend on its industry. Some sectors that have longer production cycles may require higher working capital needs as they don’t have the quick inventory turnover to generate cash on demand. Alternatively,...

Window dressing in accounting

Companies will conduct strategic time transactions to manipulate financial statements. They sometimes recognize expenses, like maintenance or repairs, after the reporting period to artificially inflate profits. To most people the...

Costs of Production

Short run costs are accumulated in real time throughout the production process. Fixed costs have no impact of short run costs, only variable costs and revenues affect the short run production. Examples of variable costs include employee wages and costs of raw...

Current Assets vs Noncurrent Assets: What’s the Difference?

The order in which these accounts appear might differ because each business can account for the included assets differently. These represent Exxon’s long-term investments like oil rigs and production facilities that come under property, plant,...

Cash Owl Bookkeeping Salt Lake City Bookkeeping Service

You’ll always have the human support you need, and a mobile friendly platform to access your up-to-date financials. You can rest assured that we will work closely with you to create actionable business plans and accurate financial reporting. We offer our toolkit of...